Post Traumatic Stress - Helpful Hints To Get You Through

Post-traumatic stress disorder is much more common than you may initially think and is certainly not limited to those who have experienced fighting in war zones. Experiences of extreme stress can happen to anyone and is not related to how strong you feel you are as a person. A car accident, a natural disaster or the even the loss of a loved one can cause post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. There are many different kinds of treatments available for those suffering from this disorder. If you suffer from post traumatic stress disorder symptoms then you may need see an expert for PTSD treatment.

Get PTSD Help

The sooner you get help with post-traumatic stress disorder the better. PTSD is very difficult to live with and handle on your own. You might feel that you are fighting an uphill battle with this disorder. If you don't get treatment for your PTSD then it could potentially ruin your life. The good news is that there are some treatment options for post-traumatic stress disorder.


One of the most common forms of PTSD is flashbacks. Many people who have post-traumatic stress disorder report that they have flashbacks to the events that they have suffered. You may also have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night. In severe cases you can become so afraid that you won't even go to sleep. Getting a good night's rest is very important for those who have post-traumatic stress.

Depression & Anxiety

When PTSD is not treated properly it can on occasions lead to depression and anxiety. Your therapist can help you work out ways to deal with your symptoms and work through them to find new ways of coping including learning new relaxation techniques, managing the anxiety and arousal levels when experiencing flashbacks and ensuring good sleep hygiene.


There are therapies that can help you with your depression and anxiety. Meditation is a great way to relax and get in touch with yourself. You might want to think about going for a short vacation or just concentrate on being comfortable and enjoying yourself. Yoga is another option. You will need to find what helps you the most and will work best for you.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can also help post traumatic stress. Deep breathing and muscle relaxation can help you feel better in a hurry. Find a way to relax your muscles and your face. Even taking a hot bath can do wonders for you. A warm bath can help calm you and get rid of anxiety and post traumatic stress. You do not have to take a long bath; just getting hot water and putting some soap into it will do.

Help with sleeping

If you are having problems sleeping you might want to consider using melatonin. This hormone can be helpful for post-traumatic stress. Sleep will help you feel better. Just remember that the more rest you get, the more you will feel better. You may find it hard to sleep at first, but it will help once you get used to it.

Seek Therapy to help with PTSD

Stress can make everything seem worse. If you have post-traumatic stress, you should try as much as you can to get the help that you need. PTSD is very difficult to live with and handle on your own. You might feel that you are fighting an uphill battle with this disorder. The good news is that there are some successful treatment options for post-traumatic stress disorder. By making small changes you can get back to a normal and happy life.

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Get In Touch

With professionals in Post Traumatic Stress Counselling you will be carefully assigned the right counsellor according to your needs.


Leone Centre, Studio 19, Hurlingham Studios, Ranelagh Gardens Fulham, London, SW6 3PA.


020 3930 1007